Saturday, April 4, 2009

Thing 18 Facebook

I've been facebooking for a while. I got started when my kids posted photos there and told me to get into it to see them. But I lapsed and just recently got more active about getting in when I suddenly got friended by many of my co-workers and their friends so it has been alot more interesting lately. I can spend alot of time at it so I have to back off and stop after a while because it isn't always productive. My email gets full of Facebook notifications; yes, I know I can control that but that's like turning away from a good story when you're on your way to work but you hear a tidbit while passing in the hall.
I've gotten good information and have enjoyed it.
Professional use? I'm not sure yet. I am getting book tips from a librarian friend who posts her favorite reads and that's good. I don't "get" the library as a friend on either Facebook or My Space but it was good to see that ACLD is represented. I guess you could get notifications of our news and programs that way but it doesn't look like anyone is keeping it current.
I think social networking is great and I heard a news program today say that with the economic climate the way it is we're probably going to end up spending even more time at it because it is good cheap fun and many of us will have less $ to allot to entertainment.

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